Back Pain Details

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Treatments for Chronic Back Pain
Back pain is categorized into three groups, according to the frequency of their occurrence and duration. Back pain is defined as being:
Acute back pain (occurring sporadically on and off for three weeks)
Sub-acute back pain (pain lasts for more than 6 weeks)
Chronic back pain (pain continuing over 12 weeks)
The chronic type of back pain is the pain which is often symptomized with shooting-type of back pain which can last for more than 12 weeks .Chronic back pain always requires immediate attention of a doctor. Chronic back pain hampers you physically and mentally. It is regarded as a problem serious enough to cause loss of wages and the general welfare of an individual is affected.

Symptoms often include fever and weight loss while there can be severe depression associated with it. Causes of chronic back pain are generalized and they can be related to the ligament changes, sprains, spasms or some serious accident. The first approach is treating chronic back pain with medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory steroids and analgesics. Sometimes, opioid therapy is suggested to patients. Walking, yoga, aerobics, and cycling are some of the physical exercises undertaken to strengthen the bones and bolster the immunity of the skeletal structure. There are some invasive treatments that are tried to block or numb the path of the pain. Home treatments include hot and cold packs, when applied to the affected area. In more severe cases, surgery is recommended but, only when the cause of pain has been accurately defined. For example, for an impinged or compressed nerve root, the bulging disc may be removed through surgery.

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