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Your organs affected by slipped disc
The discs annexed with spinal joints are called cushions and they support the spine. Since they work as cushions in back system, they also act as shock absorbers. This area is filled with gelatinous or jelly like substances and when the discs rapture or split, the jelly like substances slip out through the joint structures of spinal joints and the leaking of the jelly substance exerts pressure on a single nerve fiber or a bundle of nerve fibers or on the spinal canal. This arouses complications in the organs of which the respective nerves have been protruded.

To determine what organs are affected by slipped disc, the answer is that it depends on the nerves protruded and the area of the slipped disc that is the affect on the organs by this spinal disorder also depends on the area where the slipped disc has occurred. So let’s explore the affects of slipped disc on organs one by one.

Upper slipped disc and organs affected: In this case, the eyes and the tongue are more susceptible to disorders. The nerves of the ENT rise in the upper part of your spine. The nerves, therefore, impinged cause the problem in the respective organ. If the eye nerve is disturbed, you would find difficulty in vision and your eye balls slightly get moved from the position. In the same manner, when tongue nerve is affected, your lack of taste and immovability can occur.

What organs are affected by slipped disc in middle spine? : The susceptible organs are heart, lungs, liver. Since the nerves of these major organs arise in this area along with back pain you will feel complications in these organs.

Organs affected by slipped disc in lower spine: The main organs that can be affected by the slipped disc are kidneys, abdominal rectum, and legs. Since the nerves of these organs arise in the lumbar spine, they can be easily pinched by the discs bulging out.
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