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Is Scoliosis a Public Health Problem?
Defining Scoliosis
Scoliosis is a spinal disorder and not an epidemic. Even a person having scoliosis is not a hub of infections or germs. It's a physical deformation mostly congenital, idiopathic, or due to other causes. The disorder mostly starts when a person is at childhood stage. At the onset, it's not properly visible and suddenly, it progresses during the age bracket of 10 to 17 years. Among many health programs, scoliosis is also considered one of the prime concerns and medical science is trying hard to retard the growth of this disorder in newly-born children. The United Nations has shown its concern over the issue and since the majority of the sufferers are women, they are including it as a program for women welfare.

The concerned issue over scoliosis often make people question health authorities, 'is scoliosis a public health problem?' If someone thinks that it's a major public health problem then he is wrong.

No doubt, the state and the medical health departments are concerned with the issues but scoliosis is not dangerous like Tuberculosis, AIDS, and other deadly diseases. It  has its side effects and impacts on our health but they occur in extreme conditions. When scoliosis is in its most severe state it results in some complications. But they are not only specific to this disorder.

Complications caused by Scoliosis:
Let us see what complications can scoliosis do. Some of the complications of scoliosis are as follows:

1. Heart and Lung damage: If the degree of curvature is extreme, the ribs may exert pressure on heart or lungs causing infections like pneumonia.
2. Bone Loss: There is a higher risk of losing bone density, also called osteoporosis. This especially occurs in women.
3. Back Problems: Whosoever had scoliosis as a child has the possibility of suffering from chronic back pain. Also, the spine may become victim of complications like spondylosis.

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