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What Is Causing Upper Back Pain To You?

Upper back pain, when it surface, causes intense pain, much more than the lower back pain. Upper back pain is not as common as the lower back pain, or lumbar back pain. The most common cause of upper back pain is muscle injury, myofascial pain, joints dysfunction and injuries to the ligaments attached to the vertebrae.

There could be other simple, but very genuine reasons, for the upper back pain such as a sudden twisting motion, overuse, or a poor posture over a long period of time! The reasons look simple, but the resultant suffering is very difficult to endure.

The best and the most trusted medication for the upper back pain is exercises. These exercises are preventive measure as well as curative measures. They reduce ailment caused by the upper back pain.

Great emphasis is laid on the exercises, especially for mitigating the suffering caused on account of the upper back pain. After the prolonged schedule of physical activity, do the exercises. These exercises relax the muscle tissue leading to the reduction in tension. The exercises also increase the suppleness of the spine.

There are many specific exercises for the upper back pain. But these exercises need to be done, as per the correct procedure, under the guidance of a physiotherapist. Because, in rare cases the exercises themselves have been the cause of upper back pain. The idea behind the exercises is to strengthen and increase the suppleness of the upper back. Swimming is the most recommended exercise as it strengthens the upper back area.

Along with the diet, take proper exercises. Avoid laziness and stay active. Never skip your regular exercise schedule. Absence of these has been the cause of your upper back pain.

Over the counter medication and the prescription medication will offer some relief in the case of acute back pain, but it is not the permanent solution.

Since strenuous activity is one of the causes of back pain, all such activities need to be avoided until and unless you are 100 % fit. The poor diet, which contributed its mite to the cause of your back pain, can be treated only by changing your lifestyle, by switching over to fruits and seasonal vegetables.

Your physician will be able to trace out the causes of your upper back pain on the basis of the explanations given by you, but you too have a role to play in locating the cause of the back pain. The silly looking activities like coughing and vigorous sneezing can also cause upper back pain.

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