Back Pain Details

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Chronic Back Pain Is Problematic

With an increasing age the strength of the bones in our body and the elasticity of the muscles present in our entire body start decreasing. In other words we can say that the body faces wear and tear just similar to the machines. As the machines go old they tend to face wear and tear in their parts. The same phenomena occur in our body.


Chronic back pain occurs when we lift some heavy material or indulge ourself into such other physical activities. Other reasons for chronic back pain are over stretching of the muscles in our back, that often cause sprain, spasm in the muscles and different ligaments present in our back. A disc rupture may occur in our back if the intensity of the sprain or spasm is more. There are more than 50 nerves present in our back and such excessive sprain or spasm can lead to excessive pressure over one them due to the rupture. 


These nerves are connected to the spinal chord and they work as a messenger to the brain and these nerves help in the body movement. These nerves send signals to the brain and thus the brain sends the signal to the body parts to move or perform any activity in a particular direction or position.


Chronic back pain is a result of the compression of one of these nerves.

The other reasons for chronic back pain are:



3.gaining of weight due to pregnancy


5.physical inability

6.sudden awkward movement while performing any activity

7.bad sleeping posture

Some times chronic back pain becomes hell for the sports persons. Due to a continuous injury on a particular area of the back the tissue rupture gets worsen and the pain in the back increases day by day. Chronic back pain should not be taken lightly and a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.


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