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Cervical Stenosis: Surgery Is The Ultimate Solution

Whenever people suffer from chronic back pain, doctors suspect it to be Cervical Stenosis. Most often, what is Cervical Stenosis, is a common question that arises in minds of back pain sufferers. The disease may be defined as constriction or narrowing of canal of spinal chord mostly in the neck region. Knowing, what is Cervical Stenosis, is not enough in itself. To know more about cervical stenosis, read.

This narrowing is usually an outcome of disc bulging or overgrowth of ligaments. Nerves going through the endocervical canal get compressed by these bulgings and overgrowth, giving way to pain. In rare cases, the endocervical canal may be completely closed. Symptoms depend on whether the cervical canal is partially or completely perturbed. Causes responsible for Cervical Stenosis:

1) Cervical cancer
2) Trauma or shock to the cervix.
3) Any kind of surgery performed on the cervix for example Cone Biopsy, Colposcopy and alike.
3) Vaginal infections of various types.
4) Atrophy of the cervix after menopause.

Once you get to know what is Cervical Stenosis, you urge for urgency to cure the malady, seeing its severity. Best treatment available is to widen or open cervical canal through surgical process. Although, temporary solution lies in insertion of dilators into the cervix. Laser surgery could also be performed. But, hysteroscopic shaving of canal remains ultimate solution.

Back pain medication could be taken for temporary back pain relief. Regular back pain exercises could be carried out. It is an effective back pain remedy in case of stenosis. Water therapy could be followed as an alternative back pain therapy. Pain could be either upper muscle back pain, mid back pain or lower left back pain. But, it is upper back and neck pain that afflicts the sufferer the most.

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