Back Pain Details

Your guide to Back Pain Relief!

Treating Herniated disk
Herniated disk is the bulging out of any of the discs of the vertebrae of the spine. The spine has vertebrae joints that have discs inserted in them, which are also called cushions. When the discs or the cushions bulge out, the bundle of spinal nerves are pinched from the extra growth. The injury to the nerves and the muscles attached causes the back pain, tingling, numbness and weakness. There are treatments for this chronic or acute pain which is very irritating and unbearable. The treating of herniated disk is carried out depending on the nature of bulging. An MRI, magnetic resonance imaging is carried out to detect the nature of bulging. Once the position is confirmed, the treatments are prescribed.

Treatments for mild bulge
In this case, a mild bulge is present which has not affected the area severely. Certain physiotherapy postures along with rest are recommended. Medications can be given to reduce the pain and swelling.

Treatments for normal bulge
General bulge can be treated with physiotherapy sessions but they would require some more attention. Medications would be necessary to control the pain. In physiotherapy sessions, the exercises would increase the muscle and nerve pressure. Some other treatments like ice-bag treatment or hot-water treatment may also be suggested. One very common treatment is hot and cold water treatment. At first, hot water is run down the area and then cold water is spilled over it. In this manner, the muscles get acquainted with sudden changes and the stimulus increases to withstand changes.

Treatment for severe herniated disk
In severe cases, surgery would be the best treatment option.
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