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Lower Back Pain Treatment

Low back pain is an acute problem which is severely affecting the people, especially those at work. Causes of low back pain are diverse and often confusing. Some common causes include ligament sprain, herniation of the discs, muscle spasm or strain but perhaps the most common cause of lower back pain is the injury caused to the back due to lifting heavy objects or due to some serious accident. Lower back pain is further subdivided into three types according to the frequency of their occurrence. If the back pain is less than six-weeks old, it is called an acute and if the pain lasts for more than six weeks it is called sub-acute and if the pain lasts for more than twelve weeks, then it is referred to as chronic pain.


There are various ways to treat lower back pain. A number of tips are mentioned for you to consider but it is imperative for you to acknowledge that lower back pain treatment is a wholesome approach and not a single dose of medication.


The first type of treatment includes certain stretching exercising like lying down on the floor and placing your knees on a pillow placed on a chair. This is a very good way to relieve your back of some pressure and pain. Alternatively, use of heat and ice packs can also help you to palliate some pain. Some non-prescription medicines for lower back pain treatment are aspirin , ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen and naproxen. We should be careful and follow certain techniques while lifting heavy objects. For example, we should never suddenly bend over when lifting an object and avoid any jerky action. Instead, bend on the knees and in a squat-like position to lift a heavy object, to avoid any kind of injury to the back. If you have work which requires long sitting hours, take breaks in between and do some stretching exercises to avoid stiffness in the back.

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