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The Relationship between the Cervix and Pregnancy
The anatomy of the reproductive system of woman consists of Vagina, Cervix, Uterus (womb), fallopian tubules and the ovaries. The ovaries release the ova. The ova move to the uterus from the fallopian tube and remain there for the duration of ovulation.

If the egg is not fertilized by sperm, it bursts and moves out in the next menstruation cycle. If the ova in fertilized by a sperm, the implantation of the egg takes place in the uterus and the placenta formed provides all the nutrients necessary for the development of the baby.

The cervix plays a very important role after conception and formation of the placenta and for the entire term. A successful pregnancy and childbirth depends a lot on the cervix. The baby inside the womb needs care and protection. The placenta takes care of the fetus by linking its blood supply to the mother. The cervix provides the necessary protection and insulation to the placenta.

The cervix from the very day of the implantation of the fetus starts forming mucus around the cervical opening. As the period goes by the mucus changes its nature and form. It slowly becomes dense, clear and elastic. The mucus acts as a protective shield for the baby from foreign elements. It prevents the microorganisms or germs from entering the uterus and infecting the baby.

The second change that occurs in the cervix is that it becomes more rigid. The cervix day by day increases its tensile strength so that it can hold on the baby and protect it from premature birth. Yes, a loose and weak cervix may open early and cause premature birth.

The third change that takes place in the cervix is dilation. This happens when the pregnancy is completing the term and the baby becomes due. The cervix dilates itself to prepare for the birth of the baby. It becomes larger in size and flexible as it has to allow the baby to pass through.

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