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Treating Back Pain Through Ayurveda
According to ayurvedic system of thought, back pain is a result of imbalance between the five elements that constitute the human body. Further, ayurveda also highlights that back pain is a result of vitiation of any of the three 'Doshas' of the body: kapha, pitta, and vata.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Back Pain
To treat back pain, ayurveda recommends that the imbalance between the five elements (Air, Aether, Fire, Water, Earth) be harmonized. Further, ayurveda recommends that vitiation of any of the three Doshas is also corrected to rid the body of back pain. Described below are the two ways to ayurvedically treat back pain.

* Internal treatment
a) Excess apana is, on numerous occasions, the real cause of back pain. This can be treated by taking castor oil. The recommended dosage of castor oil is one teaspoon three times a week. Doing this for a month can bring about complete detoxification of the body.

b) Ayurveda also recommends Panchakarma treatment to rid the body of back pain causing Doshas. Such a treatment involves administration of medicines made from organic oils and different herbs. The preparation most often prescribed in Panchakarma treatment is Asthavargam.

Asthavargam is a herbal preparation made from ingredients such as bala, devadaru, eranda, lazuna, rasna, sahacara, and zunthi. The recommended dosage of Asthavargam is usually 5-15ml with 45-60ml of warm water. It is always to be taken on empty stomach twice a day. However, it is best that individuals consult their physicians to know the exact recommended dose for them.

Apart from Asthavargam, other herbal medications such as 'Dhanwantharam', 'Maharasnadi', and 'Rasnasaptakam' can be taken to internally treat the vitiated Doshas.

* External treatment
a) Enema: According to ayurvedic thought, the vitiation of Doshas is also caused by improper working of the digestive system, and especially the intestines. To treat these causes, ayurveda recommends administration of herbal oils to induce lubrication of intestine walls. The process employed is called enema. In this process, the herbal oils are introduced into the digestive tract from the anus.

Basti is a type of herbal enema that is recommended for complete expulsion of feces from the digestive tract. At the same time, Basti also helps the body get rid of the toxins that have accumulated over a period of time. The herbal preparations that are used in this method include Lakshadi Guggulu, Mahanarayana tailam, Triphala Guggulu, and Yogaraja Guggulu.

b) The second method of externally treating vitiated Doshas of the body is through Abhyanga Massage. This is a full body massage using specially made herbal oils such as Dhanwantharam, and Murivenna.

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