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Scoliosis Symptoms
Scoliosis cannot be traced easily as it does not cause pain in the initial years and the curvature of the spine may be ignored. Common symptoms include abnormal shape of the shoulders, hips, waist, or standing in an inclined position. If not treated in childhood, it can progress to adulthood and cause lifelong bending of the spine. There are instances of 70 degrees and more of bending causing permanent damage to the spine. Usually, scoliosis surgery is carried out when it has been found that the spine is taking a curvature of more than 30 to 40 degrees. The spine curvature degree, if more than 20 degrees, is considered scoliosis with greater intensity. The spine having larger curves tends to degenerate more than the one with smaller curves.

There are various types of scoliosis which have been identified. These are idiopathic scoliosis, congenital scoliosis, neuromuscular scoliosis, and degenerative scoliosis.
Scoliosis symptoms may differ from person-to-person but we can generalize some of them. If there is asymmetry in the shoulders blades or the shoulders bulge out abnormally, you should carefully figure it with a qualified orthopedic. The waist and hip becoming abnormally enlarged along with back pain at a very early age ususally points towards scoliosis symptoms. The head of a child may not be exactly centrally located with regards to the body. This usually occurs due to retarded spinal development. Another one of the common scoliosis symptoms is that the waist may appear flattened on one side or the ribs might appear higher on one side. There could be a neckline that appears uneven.
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