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An Overview Of Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is referred to as the narrowing of the spinal column. This can occur in the lower or upper back. This can cause countless problems to you. The severity of the problem often depends on the nerve which gets affected. Stenosis often causes numbness, pain or cramping in the legs and. It can even cause improper functioning of the bowel. Simple cases of stenosis can be cured with some form of physical therapy, pain killers, or even with braces. But severe cases do require immediate surgery. There are various factors that might cause spinal stenosis.

Usually, it is believed that the disorder is present right from the birth and hence the cause is purely hereditary or congenital. However, it could be acquired during the later stages of life due to aging of bones and the compaction and compression of nerves. The main cause of spinal stenosis is regarded as osteoarthritis. This is an arthritis-like condition. It may be caused by herniated discs.

These discs, when bulged out of proportion can cause narrowing of the spinal column. Some regard changes in the ligament of the spine can cause spinal stenosis. Aged people are more prone to this disease and those who have skeletal fluorosis.

There are some standard methods that are used while dealing with spinal stenosis. Non-steroidal anti – inflammatory drugs, also called NSAID are prescribed. Commonly available medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen are used as analgesics. However, the extreme cases of stenosis which are usually symptomized by paralysis-like condition and unbearable pain are treated with surgery.
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