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National Scoliosis Foundation
Among the many health programs initiated by the government and health organizations, scoliosis finds its place among the prime concerns. This is because that the exact reason or cause of scoliosis  is yet not definite. Till now, whatever reasons have been provided by the medical world are not accurate and explanatory. Medical science is trying hard to retard the growth of this ailment or disorder in newly-born children.

The United Nations have shown its concern over the issue. Since the majority of the sufferers are women, they are including it as one of the many programs for women welfare and development.

Scoliosis had been taken into consideration late in the seventies and the National Scoliosis Foundation was established in 1976 to increase the awareness among the people about the lateral disorder of the spine and other spinal problems like kyphosis. The National Scoliosis Foundation also promotes screening programs and creates public awareness by educational programs on the spinal disorder.

The foundation publishes various articles and brochures that carry all the information regarding scoliosis and kyphosis. The foundation supplies various material kits or packets to parents of children having the spinal cord problem.

Every year the Foundation hosts the International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities to discuss the various causes, preventions, and cures of scoliosis. The foundation is of the view that the spinal deformity has a major impact in the life of a person. The deformed shape binds him in a limited physical layout. This causes severe pain, has an effect on respiratory functions, and the self esteem of the person is reduced.

The foundation emphasizes on the fact that physicians cannot trace who will get scoliosis, why he or she will get it, and which case will have progressions. They can't even calculate the severity of progressions.

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