Back Pain Details

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Hips and Lower Back Pain
Diagnosing the pain:
Often lower back pain can cause stress at the hips as well. It might be almost mysterious that while trying to work something heavy, the stress at the lower back catches at the hip. Worst sufferers of this problem are athletes. Most athletes have rigorous exercises and training and often there are injuries. It is very hard to track down the source of the problem apart from painful experiences.

For immediate relief a prescribed pain killer or a pain relief spray can be of help. But, if a pain is constant then it might indicate a serious problem. This would then require a medical check-up. However, if the pain is mild and occurs occasionally, adequate rest, proper posture, heat packs, steam bath, and massages can help.

Even after this if the pain persists, then make an appointment. Hip and back pain may be due to various reasons. There might be a problem of your legs which might mean that you have to put a size of foam rubber into the shoes.
There are many exercises which can help alleviate this pain. Standing against the wall and slide down till the knees bend up to 90 degrees. Repeat the process slowly for about five times a day.

Then, lying on your face on the floor, slowly raise the legs upwards by tightening the muscle and then gradually lower it down, each leg at a time. Repeat the process for five times each.

Then, sitting upright in chair, raise the leg, each at a time to the level of the waist and then lower it again to the floor. This can be done 5times a day.

However, at the discovery of the problem, one should constantly keep in touch with the doctor. Any complications should be immediately brought to the doctor’s attention.

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