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Herniated Disc Neck

Herniated discs are also called slipped or ruptured discs. In a herniated disc, the nucleus tissue which is usually located in the center of the disc is dislocated. The spinal canal into which the movement takes place has limited space, hence the herniated disc is pressed against the spinal nerves. This produces symptoms of lower back pain and leg numbing, mid back pain, pain in the back of head and back and neck pain. For more information on herniated disc neck, read.


In a herniated disk, the nucleus tissue normally located in the center of the disk gets dislocated. The maximum number of herniated discs occur in the lower back or lumbar region. For low back pain treatment, exercises for lower back pain are advised. Herniated disc results from tiny ruptures in the wall of the disc. These rifts allow some or all of the gel-like material present in the disc to bulge out.

 The ability of the disc to act as a cushion between the vertebrae is reduced and pressure on the spinal nerves is increased. For back pain remedy, back pain therapy and back pain medications are used.


A common cause of back, neck, shoulder and arm pain is cervical herniated disc. Symptoms involving herniated disc neck include dull or sharp back muscle pain in the neck or between the shoulder blades. It may shoot down the pain in arm to the hand or fingers, or numbness or tingling in the shoulder or arm. Pain radiating down the arm into the hands and fingers is usually caused by a cervical herniated disc. The pain may be accompanied by numbness or tingling in the arms and hands. For a herniated disc neck, a neck brace or collar can be used to relieve muscle spasms.

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