Back Pain Details

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The Carpal Tunnel Recovery Reminders

The process of carpel tunnel recovery depends on the type of anesthesia that has been injected. Local anesthesia, if injected will keep your fingers and the wrist area numb or the area where injected for at least ten to twelve hours after the surgery. After the effect of anesthesia wears off, it is recommended to take some pain killers. Slowly, you will feel the relief of surgical pain.

Carpal Tunnel Recovery Reminder

Hand elevation is important to prevent swelling and stiffness of the fingers. Please remember not to walk with your hand dangling or to sit with your hand held in your lap. It is fine, however, to lower your hand for light use and you should get back to normal light activities as soon as possible as guided by common sense. There are a number of exercises you should do to prevent stiffness.

Carpal Tunnel Recovery Reminder

You have been discharged with a supportive dressing, consisting of gauze, wool and a crepe bandage. Do not forget to remove the entire dressing after five days and inspect the wound. There obviously will be some swelling and bruising. Look out for any redness or tenderness in the area around the wound that might indicate an infection. Do not apply antiseptic, for all you know, it is quite safe to leave the wound open. If you have any worries, do not hesitate to contact your doctor right away.

Carpal Tunnel Recovery Reminder

At this stage it is safe to get the hand wet in a bath or shower. The wound and the surrounding skin often become very dry and will be more comfortable if a moisturizer is applied. An easy way of doing this is to briefly immerse your hand in some warm water to which some Johnson's baby oil has been added. Alternatively, apply an unscented moisturizing cream to the skin.

Carpal Tunnel Recovery Reminder

You can drive if you are comfortable and have regained full finger movements especially, if you have sufficient power to control the vehicle. Timing of your return to work is variable according to your occupation which should be discussed by your doctor and employeer.

Carpal Tunnel Recovery Reminder

Stitches will be removed at about two weeks after the operation. Following this, the scar will be somewhat lumpy, firm and tender. The scar will settle after about three months, but massaging the area firmly with moisturizing cream can help this.

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