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Neck And Upper Back Pain From Lifting
The upper portion of spinal chord is a combination of seven small bones called vertebrae. These are the bones which support the shoulder, arms, neck and head. The entire skeletal structure is held in its place by a system of muscles and nerves. The muscles extend into the shoulders and arms as well. Sitting or standing in an incorrect posture for a long time can lead to muscle strain. Muscle strain can also be caused by excessive exercising. Because the muscles and nerves extend into arms and hands, any pain felt in neck or upper back can be also felt in the shoulders and arms.

Neck and upper back pain is very common among those people who lift heavy weights. Excessive workout through heavy weight-lifting can causes the muscles to get fatigued. Lifting also results in a severe pain in their upper back, neck and arms.

Effects Of Lifting
Heavy lifting can affect your daily routine or even your livelihood. Heavy lifting can lead to neck and upper back pain. Neck and upper back pain from lifting is something that can cause you harm if it is a part of your life. When you are suffering from severe upper back and neck pain, your body is unable to perform daily works. The upper back comprises of the cervical spine, which is connected to arms and neck via some nerves and muscles, all of these areas are affected by excessive bending and lifting. If you lift some heavy object the muscles and nerves of your hands, arms and neck are over stretched. Poor lifting methods could lead to some serious problems like wear and tear or injury to muscles and ligaments, injury to spinal chord or damage to vertebrae

Things to keep in mind before lifting any heavy object are:

* Make a proper strategy before lifting any heavy or light object.
* Do not lift anything casually.
* Try to lift the object slowly and carefully.

Some wrong lifting methods that can cause neck and upper back pain are:

* To lift a heavy object that is too heavy for a single person to lift.
* To lift a heavy object above the shoulder level.
* To lift a distant object.
* Twisting your back while lifting a heavy object.
* Bending the hips and keeping the legs straight while lifting.
* Lifting an object with curved back.

How To Avoid Neck And Upper Back Pain From Lifting

* While lifting an object your feet should be at a safe distance.
* Try to bend on your knees and hips. An ideal position would be keep one of your knee on the floor and the other one in front of you.
* You should always maintain a correct posture i.e., look straight, stand straight.
* Move your feet in order to change your position.

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