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An Over View of Pyloric Stenosis
Pyloric stenosis is a disease which narrows down the opening from the stomach to the intestine. It is a condition that causes vomiting in the very initial stage. The pyloric stenosis narrows down the opening due to the hypertrophy and spasm of the muscles which surrounds the opening. Men are more inclined to suffer from this disease than women. It is difficult to judge whether the condition is caused by congenital narrowing or the muscle’s functional hypertrophy in the early stages of life.

Symptoms of Pyloric stenosis
Babies affected with pyloric stenosis  vomit severely from the first few weeks to months in the initial stages. This kind is vomiting is very much different from the usual spittiness which is observed in babies at an early age. This kind of vomiting is very often termed as projectile or non-bile stained vomiting. In case of reeling under the condition of the pyloric stenosis, some infants lose weight and eat less while others gain weight normally.

Diagnosis of pyloric stenosis
Pyloric stenosis is diagnosed with careful physical examination and radiographic studies. An infant with enormous vomiting is also suspected of suffering from pyloric stenosis. Upon careful examination, When it is carefully examined the tactual exploration of the stomach may indicate a mass in the upper middle portion of the abdomen. This mass is termed as olive and it contains enlarged pylorus. There is even visible peristaltic waves occurs due to the passing of the content from the narrowed pyloric release by the stomach. In most cases pyloric stenosis is diagnosed with ultrasound. Plain X-rays of the stomach are not useful sometimes, except when it is required to rule out other problems. Blood test can also reveal pyloric stenosis. 

Treatment of the Pyloric Stenosis
Pyloric stenosis in children is treated surgically. It is very important to understand that rather than fundamental problem the danger of the pyloric stenosis occurs due to the electrolyte disturbance and dehydration. So it is advised to stabilize the problem of hypochloremic alkalosis and dehydration with IV fluids. Treatment of this kind in infants can be completed in two or three days. The  definite treatment of the pyloric stenosis is done with pyloromytomy surgery. This is done by separating the muscle of the pylorus in order to bring out the gastric outlet. This surgery is done with either one single    
large cut or many small cuts depending upon the preference of the surgeon.
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