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Degenerative Scoliosis
We all have curves in our bones and spines in the trunk, neck etc. They are essential for stability and balance of our body. Scoliosis is a very rare disease, some of the general causes of scoliosis are genetic causes, deformities from the time of birth, inequality in the length of the limbs, problems related to neuromuscles.

Sometimes due to the daily wear and tear of your body your spines may become unstable and get out of your usual position, this type is called degenerative scoliosis. It is quite common to people who had a straight spine and due to wear and tear there occurs a curve of around 15 to 40 degrees. Degenerative scoliosis mainly occurs in the lumbar spine.

Now, let us move towards the causes of degenerative scoliosis. First due to calcium deficiency in our bones there occurs Osteoporosis which, makes the spines of your body weak and sometimes due to load of some bulky things there might occur a fracture or curvature of the spine. Secondly, due to old age also our bones and spines may become weaker and might develop scoliosis. In adults this disease is actually a continuation of the curvature of the spine which they developed when they were young and it went unnoticed. This is generally referred to as progression. There occurs a curve of around one degree every year.

Treatment for degenerative scoliosis differ from person to person. You should always consult a doctor first he may either give you some medications, or also may advice you to do some physical therapy, and even may give you bracing.

Surgery is the last alternative, when nothing works this therapy is the last thing to do. Also, many prefer pool therapy or water therapy as water has no gravity and causes no strain on your spines and joints. Also, losing weight is another option to reduce stress and pressure on your joints and bones.

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