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Do Away With Your Back Pain During Menses

Lower back pain during menstruation period is very common among women. Its mainly a result of dysmenorrhoea. Endometreosis, a kind of reproductive abnormality may be its another cause.

 Dysmenorrhoea gets its origination from contraction of uterus, stress, anxiety and insufficient exercise. Menstrual cramp may be one such reason contributing to lower back pain. Pelvic inflammation and multiple sexual partners may be the other causes of it.

Ovarian cyst is another origin malady of lower back pain. If you are not planning to conceive, contraceptive pills may end your lower back pain by preventing ovulation.

Lower back pain could be avoided by treating endometreosis and dysmenorrhoea. An ultrasound or MRI could help diagnose the severity of the problem. Laparoscopy could also be used to diagnose endometreosis.

Hormone intakes and medication can sharply decrease your lower back pain. Hormones like Gonadotropin are very effective. Oral progestin pills are also advisable. Anti-inflammatory analgesics like Ibuprofen and Aspirin give instantaneous relief from back pain. Proper nutrition and reduction in stress can lower down this pain.

Nutritional tips include excessive intake of Magnesium that helps in hormonal secretion. Vitamin E and B complex are also suggested. Some herbal treatments like chamomile and raspberry tea could prove effective, if taken regularly. Acupuncture may also work well as an alternative therapy.

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